I pastor a GLBT (Gay-Lesbian, Bi, Tg/Ts) Affirming Christian (Pentecostal) church in Dallas (The ONE Church). We have been getting together at Zinis after our 6pm Sunday church services for the past several weeks. We enjoy it very much. The people are great, the atmosphere is casual and comfortable, and the food is very good. We chose Zinis because we were looking for a place that we, as a group, could get together and eat while talking and sharing with one another. We wanted a restaurant where folks could get something to eat without it costing an arm and a leg. Zinis is very reasonable and we always enjoy our time there. I grew up in New England, where pizza is very different than most locations around the country. I also lived in New York City for nearly a decade, so I am very familiar with a variety of types of pizza. Zinis definitely puts me in mind of New York City pizza. Zinis pizza, to my tastes, is quite good. I really do enjoy it. Some of our members get salads or other items. I sincerely recommend Zinis. - The ONE Church (DFW)