It's been nearly three years that we've belonged to Young's Water. Saying 'belong' rather then going to seems more fitting since they treat you like a friend or relative who's stayed away too long and are genuinely happy to see you each time you come in for a visit. The visit appears to be to refill our three 3-gallon water jugs which we could do anywhere there's a water machine for the same cost; but in actuality we like stopping by to see them, enjoying their friendly greeting and hospitality. What makes it so inviting is the warm welcome where polite exchanges take place in the midst of being serviced with our freshly washed and sanitized containers filled with refreshing tasting drinking water. While my containers are being tended to, I'll usually grab a frozen fruit bar as much to satisfy my craving for something sweet and delicious while adding a gesture of goodwill showing appreciation for their kindness.\r
When we initially started our long standing relationship, we purchased fr