We started going to Dr. Howell when he first opened. Three cockers and two German Sheppards later, we are still with him. The latest cocker we rescued from a local helter and he had, among other things, one of the most raveging ear infections ever encountered. Both ears literally stunk and were full of fluids. We never winced on keeping the dog because we had such great trust in Dr. Howell. For those that know dog breeds and diseases, our new cocker had Pseudomonas Aeruginosa which is a terribly difficult ear infection to treat and cure. The bacteria changes all the time and it is persistent. Dr. Howell did extensive reading, research, and outreach to other ear professionals and he personally devised several different treatments of ear drops and anti-biotics. After a few weeks, we began to see progress and we are finally on top of the problem. It is such a relief to be able to rescue a dog and bring it back to full health.\r