Several of us will NEVER go back. I have been renting from world of video for 3 years now, and I have always been impressed with their selection (although they are often out of a movie if it's popular b/c they have 1 copy or just a couple copies). The older gentlemen are very nice, but the younger/trying-way-too-hard-to-be-a-hipster guy with glasses and dark hair and a glazed look in his eyes is a real jerk and is pretty short-sighted. i rented a movie that is like 20 years old and noone is staking out the store to rent. right after i watched it, i moved about a block away and i forgot for a week that i had it (my mistake). so when i got there i was asked by this guy if it was on time and i said ""no it's late, but i'll pay in a week when i rent another movie if that's ok with you bc i come in here all the time?"" he was a real jerk about it and said ""no you need to pay now"". so i said ok, no big deal. he told me it was $16. i know the policy, but i politely asked him to knock that down a little. EVERY other guy working the store has always waived the fee or knocked it down b/c i rent a lot and travel and sometimes i have a late fee. this guy was such a jerk about it and didn't care that i was a customer. i didn't have cash on me so he insisted my dad (who was with me) pay. Hopefully the owners read this b/c they seem to really care about their business and their customers. I won't be back, neither will the following people i recommended and rented from you all the time: my father, my friend on perry st, my girlfriend, my brother, and my old roommate who lives a block away. good thing you got your $16 though. in retrospect, i should have just kept the crappy old, scratched dvd b.c it was worth less than the $16 in late fees i was rudely ordered to pay. your counter-guy is short sighted and dumb. this guy: tall, dark hair, goofy glasses, aloof attitude. take care. My name is Jeremy Romine and you can just cancel my membership.