World Maid Clean


11668 Beeville Dr
Frisco, TX 75035

(972) 832-9316
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All reviews seem negative


DO NOT waste your time with World Maid Clean. Dee Dee is a poor businesswoman. The cleaners are great. Not their fault. It's Dee Dee's poor business acumen that causes this po...

Editorial review from Citysearch 7/3/2013

We found the service to be totally lacking in quality and professionalism. The maids had us scheduled first on their daily roster and showed up 1 hour and 45 minutes late. They failed to clean the toilets and the sink surfaces. They wiped around objects on surfaces rather than moving them to clean thoroughly. They argued about everything we inquired on. Bathroom mirrors were left with streaks and bedroom mirrors were not cleaned at all. They also used the same cleaning cloths for everything; i.e. no separate cleaning cloths for glass and wood. There is no way they executed on the very long checklist of promised chores. They cleaned around throw rugs rather than picking them up and cleaning under them.\r \r We have never been more disappointed with a personal service than with this inept company. We were told that these were two of their very best maids. I would hate to see their mediocre maids.\r \r To be fair, DeeDee offered to send someone out to redo the service at their expense, but our confidence was so low that we refused her offer. If a company cannot perform on their very first assignment (I expect the first to always be the best) what chance do you have for receiving excellence on return engagements. I would rate the service at ""no stars"" more

Editorial review from Citysearch 12/11/2012

Excellent! They really did a great job on our home... just in time for the holidays and for company to come over. They actually did better than my wife and I expected as their cleaning was way more than we expected. more

Don't Bother 5/23/2012

DO NOT waste your time with World Maid Clean. Dee Dee is a poor businesswoman. The cleaners are great. Not their fault. It's Dee Dee's poor business acumen that causes this poor review. When you hire a cleaning company for regularly scheduled visits, you want the same person to come each time. Not only do you build a rapport and trust with that cleaner, you teach them once how you would like things done specifically in your house, and then they do it that way each time. At the outset of me choosing World Maid Clean, I spoke with Dee Dee and explained exactly what I was wanting (nothing strange, I'm just specific) and we negotiated the cost of the recurring service. She assured me that the specifications I had would be met. One of these specifications was ""We do not want them to touch the bed. Have them just leave it undone, as it is."" When the first woman came, Olivia, I taught her how I wanted things and showed her where everything was / where it goes. She was great. I called Dee Dee and requested that she always send Olivia in the future. She assured me that would be great - not a problem. On the following Monday, I sent a follow up email to Dee Dee reminding her of what we had discussed - that I would be in surgery on Wednesday (the regularly scheduled cleaning day), so to please make sure that it was the same person who came (as Olivia knew what I wanted). I also reminded her AGAIN, for them not to touch the bed. On Thursday (the day after the cleaner came), my husband told me that the cleaner Dee Dee had sent had taken the dirty sheets off the floor by our bed, removed the clean sheets from the bed and put the dirty ones back on. It should have never happened, as I had expressly discussed not touching the bed with Dee Dee AND sent her a follow up email 2 days before. And, of course, she didn't send the same person, as she had promised. I don't know who came while I was in surgery, but it wasn't Olivia, as things were not done correctly. I called Dee Dee and explained what had happened and why we were so frustrated. She apologized profusely and promised that this would never happen again, she'd send Olivia, blah blah blah. Lo and behold, the following week, another new person, Sandra, shows up. Again, Dee Dee fails to keep on top of things. I teach Sandra how to do things. She does a super job. I send Dee Dee an email and tell her that though I am frustrated that she didn't send Olivia as promised, and I had to train someone new, that Sandra did a great job and could she please send Sandra again? I got no response from my email. The next cleaning day, did Olivia show up? No. Did Sandra show up? No. Zoraida came. I stopped her at the door and apologized, told her it wasn't her fault, but that Dee Dee had screwed up AGAIN and I was done. She said she understood. I told her I would call Dee Dee and let her know I was done with World Maid Clean. Within 5 minutes of Zoraida leaving, Dee Dee called. She was apologizing again, blah blah blah. I told her that I was done. She'd messed up 3 times in a row, and no matter how I had tried to communicate with her, she couldn't keep things straight. She told me Olivia had been in a car accident and that Sandra was out today, blah blah blah. I said, that while I could feel for these women, it wasn't their fault. A good businessperson would call the client and explain this, not just send another random person. She cut me off to tell me blah blah blah. I asked her to please not interrupt, but to please listen. I went through my previous interactions with her regarding everything that happened since I started using World Maid Clean. I also asked her why she hadn't responded to my email. She said she does not respond to all of them. Um, ok. You've got an angry client sending you an email and you just don't bother to respond? She just returned to giving me excuses. more

Great marketing, poor service 6/13/2011

One star is one star too many. Owner promised the moon, did not deliver on promises. Crews were inexperienced, and we, the customer, had to train the crews, which was kinda OK, until owner switched crews, which we were assured would never happen. more
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