Wonder Book & Video has two locations in Frederick and one in Hagerstown, and ALL are excellent. It's a wonderful used book store, with an excellent selection of specialty and general-interest books, and it's also the best independent video rental place I've ever seen -- period. And before I lived in Maryland, I lived in L.A., which is home to some of the best independent/art-house video rental houses out there.
Two things that are equally outstanding about Wonder Book & Video:
1) The selection. They've got a remarkable selection not only of the latest releases, but also of foreign language and art-house films I didn't even know were out on DVD, let alone available for rental, and in an independent shop outside of a metropolis.
2) The prices. Wonder Book & Video is cheaper than Blockbuster or any other chain, especially for seven-day rentals.
I'm not much of a gamer, but Wonder Book & Video also has an excellent selection of rental and sale games for all major platforms.
Who knew there was a place like this so far from Hollywood?