I have a great opportunity for any owner of a store or kiosk, lunch truck .. hot dog stand .. gas station .. 7/11
.. it is electronic cigarettes ... they are the new THING and NOW is now the time to get into this business
(call me for more information on the benefits of this product)
.. If you sell only 5 a day you will earn upwards of 9 thousand dollars per year on this one item alone
You buy them for five dollars each, and sell them for $ 10 each ... nuff said
... if you can not see the great opportunity in offering a product that will double your investment .... I don't know what else to say .....
you can call (310) 308-1244 or email me here perpd(@)yahoo (dot)com My name is Stone
Stone Stedman
Place: Los Angeles
Glendale, CA 91205
Phone - (310) 308-1244
E-Mail - ecigs@myecigsite . com
Contact E-mail: perpd@yahoo . com
Visit business site and get more information - www .myecigsite . com