So I needed a car, mine got totalled by some idiot. (You can read about that on Golden Bear Lock and Safe inc reveiws) I go to this place Wholesale Auto Outlet. I advise ANYONE to NEVER EVER buy a car from these hicks! I drove it, it seemed nice, drove well (I wasn't expecting a Mercedes) so I asked ""Jim"" what kinda deal they could give me. I've heard of buyer beware before but this ""Jim"" seemed like he was on the up and up. I told him my situation and he seemed very concerned that I get into a decent vehicle. I have children ""Jim"", I can't have them in something that is going to fall apart. NO PROBLEM! I had it on the road for all of 1 hour and the check engine light comes on?! Oh boy, I really got into something stinky here! A week later the fuel pump goes out! two weeks later I'm putting a front axle on and the other front one needs to be replaced as well?!! I called ""Jim"" and he says we don't have a crystal ball to see what is going to go wrong with the vehicles. Well, ""Jim"" thanks for feeding me a line of STINKING CRAP!!! Do yourself a favor, if you see this place when your looking for a car, pass on by and think of this little story of me and ""Jim"" Wholesale Auto Outlet, YOU SUCK!!!