I have been going there for years and had no problems until my 9 yr old shepherd was having a hard time breathing. Well, they took blood work and xrays of her heart and told me that the blood work was normal but that she did have a tumor on her heart that could burst and that she had less than a month to live. I had a 45minute drive home and almost got into several accidents due to crying and being so upset.So they sent me to animerge for an ultrasound, which they said that it would be conclusive, but it wasn't,and they told me to come back in 2 months to do another ultrasound. My dog was still having a hard time breathing. I was on the verge of putting my dog down so she wouldn't suffer, when i decided to go to another vet, and he found out the she had a sinus infection, which cleared up in 4 days with medication. There was nothing wrong with her heart. I had payed $800 for xrays, blood work and an ultrasound, but the biggest thing was that the whitehouse vet's did not even address th