Good: At age 66 and having been injured from head to toe, with little help from medical doctors Paul has a passion for his work and listens to your concerns. he is compassionate, and understanding. He's worked with helping me get warm as I've been so cold all my life that nitro glycern was used on the tops of my feet to get
circulation going--didn't work but
Paul used moxa that did. Paul also
worked with my bad knee, stomach, shoulder and lower back and in five treatments I'm a differnt person.. Bad: There isn't anything I don't like about Paul, just wish medical doctors
would listen as he does, and answer
the questions I ask as to why he does what he's doing. Medical doctors sometimes give you medicine but never explain exactly why you are taking it and I want to know why and he explains why on all he's doing if you ask. Paul was recommended to me by my former acupuncturist who is far away. He's well trained for my needs and has been able to do more than my last one.. Improvements: I can't think of anything as he's also
gotten me to look up and understand
Chinese medicine tied to acupuncture
more--and always nice to learn.. Other: If you've not found the answers to your medical problems before doing any
surgery. I'd try acupuncture and Paul would be a great start. I'd scheduled surgery on my
knee and two visits to my former
acupuncturist I canceled surgery, my
husband had allergies for 6o years before going to acupuncture 8 times and never had another bout with his
allergies. A friend age 84 was having memory problems so she went
twice and exercised as advised and her
memory is so much better she is still diving and active.