Once you have a loan with this company they are tremendously hard to work with. Then they tell you plenty of things and then not follow through. Trying to re-finance with them is extrememly harder than getting the orginal loan. They do not stick to time lines and they do not keep their word on anything. Was told 30 days been 90 days so far. Told less than 6% now over 6.5%. No cost re-finance cost $450 out of pocket for an appraisal and told would get an even lower than 6% intrest rate. Then at last minute told the charges are being sent through your loan is denied (even though you have awesome credit) the day before your closeing date. Can't get a straight answer and doesn't let you know until the very last minute about anything. You have to keep calling dailey to get anyone to answer no point in leaving messages they never get returned. My advice if you are with them do not plan on re-financeing with them try somewhere else first. Friend Re-financed in less than 3 weeks with appraisal and all.
Pros: Well Known Name
Cons: Terrible Service