Horrible Experience! Appointments were not kept, Over Charged on Fee's, Trainers very rude and intrusive- Took a full month before the new client service person Joanne kept her appt and met with me, Spoke with Johnny and another client service person they could not get the paper work in order. Paperwork was never sent to the Corporate office so the fees were not correct and was overcharge by almost $500, Trainer canceled appt's, When working on weights or equipment I had various trainers(on more than one occasion) ask ""how long are going to be"" then sit or stand waiting with their client while you try to finish your set. I have spent 2 months trying to get the payment/fee situation corrected. I have talked with the Mgr Greg McCarthy & Colleen in Corporate Accounting since 10/14 to try and resolve this matter without success. My next step is to speak with the Corporate Member Account Manager. Of course I have cancelled my membership.\r