Before I made it to The Watershed I was addicted to prescription drugs and as selfish and self centered as a human can possibly be. I had tried methadone maintenance, outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment, Suboxone maintenance, and I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time.
My life was unmanageable. I could not get my kids to school; I could not get out of bed. I knew I needed help.
With the help of the Watershed's entire staff, and after conceding to my inner most self that I was an addict and would never survive that old life, I put aside anything I thought I knew about recovery.
I listened and listened some more. I knew my reliance on a pill to wake up, a pill to function and a pill to go to sleep, was not the way I wanted to live. I learned that I didn't need those things.
Today, I take my kids to school, I go to work, I go to meetings, I help others. I comprehend the word “serenity” and I know peace.
Today I thank the Watershed, for giving me my life. Or should I say for showing me how to find it.