One of the biggest peeves I have about Mukwonago walmart is that several of the cashiers will only let you use 1 coupon! That is, if i submit 2 coupons and buy 2 items ( e.g. 2 pkgs of Ball Park Franks and 2 coupons for 55¢ off of one pkg) they'll give me 1 coupon back and tell me that they can only accept 1 coupon per product. Well,,,,,,duh...... I'm buying 2 products! And then they say...""it says right here on the coupon, ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE , and this is your purchase for today today. This has happened 4 times to me with 3 different cahiers. I spoke to themanager and he said I was right and he would alert his cashiers, but it still goes on.