Voorhees Dog Grooming at 211 West Evesham Rd. Voorhees is no longer. Once again, Sal and I apologize for any inconviences or bad things that happened to you while going to VDG at 211 W. Evesham while Denise DiLorenzo was there. All we tried to do, was to keep our former loyal clients from being uprooted, trying to find a new groomer.After the first people were so horrible, we were just going to close for good, but Denise DiLorenzo convinced us that she would never do to us or the clients what Barb had done. Well, turns out that Denise was even worse.When we returned from Panama to have them evicted, as they wouldn't leave at the end of their lease, the house, shop and boarding room were pig stys. The professionals have been at the property since Monday and don't think everything will be clean until Saturday.. After 32 years of, Sal and I owning , running and loving this business and our clients, both human and canine,it breaks our hearts that Voorhees Dog Grooming located at 211 W. Evesham in Voorhees is NO LONGER>