Vincent & Tampa is a cigar shop that preserves West Tampa's rich cigar history. The shop has a little historic section that is set up like a museum with the classic rolling tables and tools from turn-of -the-century cigar rolling. Vincent & Tampa's own brands are very good and very reasonably priced. Try the Giaconda natural in the Cuban Corona size or the Giaconda maduro in a Lonsdale. For a very affordable bundle cigar that is very well-made, try the La Eminencia After Dinner, natural or maduro. For between $1.60 and $2.50, Vincent & Tampa produces some old-school blends at great prices. I like to search out the boutique cigar makers in Tampa and support the local cigar companies. In a time when newer cigar makers are trying to be rock stars, Vincent & Tampa is down-to-earth and preserves the classic traditions of cigar making. I'd put these aforementioned cigars up against any $6 and $8 cigars. Quality is not about paying a high price for a cigar with a rock star image. Vincent & Tampa's cigars are like the ones your Italian uncle used to smoke while stirring the sauce and grilling up some Italian sausage.