The management at the village are real nice to get you in the park then when u move in they are rude and very unhelpful. The kids in the neighborhood trash your yard and they send you notices to clean it up when you inform them that the kids trash out your yard they tell you it does not matter then charge you 50 dollars to clean it up. They gripe at you about everything but let the empty trailer beside us stay trashed out with the underpinning off the trailer and trash coming out from under the trailer and dont bother to clean or fix it. And they give you free cable but if you dont speak spanish it doesnt matter because 95 percent of the channels are spanish channels.I would not recommend anyone to move in here unless you want to live under unrealistic rules and not be able to enjoy your home and feel comfortable.You have more freedom in jail. And its supposed to be a gated community but how does that help anything when you come in the gate and six cars follow you in and the gate is open most of the time.There have been numerous thefts and break ins in here and nothing done about it. If you want a nice secure happy home then this place is not for you.I found out the saying is true if it seems too good to be true then run.