I found Dr. Hagel listed on the Medicaid - Coordinated Care list of providers. I called his office and asked his receptionist Donna if Dr. Hagel took Medicaid. I told her if he didn't take Medicaid I couldn't have the work done because I didn't have any money. She told me no problem let's set an appointment for you for tomorrow. I arrived early for the appointment to fill out the necessary paperwork and asked Donna again if Dr. Hagel took Medicaid because if he didn't I couldn't do the work because I didn't have any money. She said fine and handed me the form to fill out. After completing and handing back the form I reminded her again that I couldn't have the work done if it wasn't covered by Medicaid. A few minutes later she asked for my insurance card to photocopy, and returned the card about 5 min. later. The doctor called me in about 2 min. later, did an assessment and a little bit of grinding on one tooth. As I was leaving the office about 20 minutes later Donna informed me that they didn't take Medicaid. I told Donna that as a health professional myself I don't generate any charges to the client until I verify insurance and how much if any out-of-pocket expense the client would be responsible for. I told her I didn't like the way they did business and I would definitely not recommend their services to others. The $120 bill has now been turned over to collection. The public is not well served when you scam people into contracting services that you know they can't afford to pay for. I would definitely not recommend Dr. Hagel to anyone who is looking for an honest and professional practitioner.