yes, you get the feeling that he isn't really interested in your problems or helping you fix them ... unless he sees you as someone cool or interesting to talk to , ie you are a physically attractive female.
yes, he is distractible and dismissive of your symptoms and concerns, he rushes you, he laughs a lot inappropriately when you share something, and you never build any kind of therapeutic relationship with him as you never figure out if you can trust him or not.
but hey, the guy is a rapid prescriber. By this I mean, you go in, tell him what you are taking, and tell him how that's working for you. IE, he notes that i was on zoloft and wellbutrin and that wasn't quite working, and i can't take lithium due to my thyroid, so lets try neurontin. next time, neurontin ain't getting it, so lets try abilify. next visit, that was helping, but too many side effects, so lets add geodon instead. BOOM. success.
Then too, the first time I went in there i banged on his desk and told him, 'i was diagnosed manic depressive 20 years ago. i have a chemical problem and i need medicine. i had a great childhood and i wasn't molested. i don't need to talk to you about stupid cr@p. just give me some medicine and when i am well enough in six months, i will stop taking it, and you won't see again until my next manic or depressive episode'.
so you see, his style works for me, and it is what i want and need. cut and dry. but for other people, if you need a chatty therapist who cares, bup this guy. don't waste your time.