These attacks made against Versadial Solutions are completely false, unfounded, and malicious in nature. They come from one source whom was never a customer of Versadial Solutions, but whom decided to spread slander after we reported their unsatisfactory customer service to the Better Business Bureau in 2009.
Unfortunately, after reporting this particular vendor to the Better Business Bureau, the vendor chose to respond by impersonating a customer and making various false statements about Versadial Solutions in order to hurt and damage our good reputation.
This vendor has never been a customer of Versadial Solutions, and is merely posing as someone they are not. Furthermore, the record shows that the same person who posed as a customer and posted malicious statements about Versadial Solutions posed as a customer of their own company and wrote positive reviews for it the very same day.
These statements about Versadial Solutions are unwarranted, defamatory, unfounded, and deceptive. Versadial Solutions has been in business for over 15 years, and strives to provide its customers with exceptional products and services. Our business operates with complete integrity and we provide a high level of customer service. Our track record of virtually no returns for the life of our business proves the quality of our products and services as well as our commitment to excellence.
Versadial Solutions values its customers, and if any customer of ours were to experience a problem, we want to hear from you, and we are committed to resolving any problem to your satisfaction.