I took my dog in because she has been limping and has a large lump in her rib area. Initially Dr. Ulfohn wanted to do xrays and of course I agreed. A few minutes later I was told the xray machine was broken and that I should go somewhere else. I paid for an office visit and was told nothing about the condition of my dog. On my way to find another vet Westside called and said their xray machine was fixed so I turned around. They took two xrays of my dog, neither of them addressed the issues I brought her in for. For some reason they took xrays of her lungs, the results of which seem to indicate cancer in this area. I was told this was not good. Of course I broke down. I guess they thought because she might have cancer the problems I brought her in for were no longer relavent. My dog is still limping. Dr. Ulfohn could not explain the limp, never even attempted to explain the limp, they also did not xray the lump I brought her in for. The only thing I got for the two hundred dollars I spent was the name of an onologist. Hopefully this doctor will spend some time with my animal and address all of her pains and not stop caring because my dog may have cancer. Or maybe the indifference I fetl from the staff was becausie it was quitting time at Westside Vet. I will not be going back to this hospital.
Pros: None
Cons: I paid and got nothing in return.