My husband and I were recently travelling with our dog "Maddie." She loves to travel with us, during her 9 years we had never run into a problem with her. She became lethargic, wasn't acting her normal perky self.
We were in the area, called 3 other hospitals upon calling VCA, they simply stated come down now.
We were greeted by two receptionists who were able to quickly gather our information, called our regular veterinarian in New York to have records faxed and within just a few minutes Maddie was seen by a veterinary technician who did a short exam . She was so compassionate, you would have thought that Maddie was her dog! She did inform us that our girls temperature was just a bit high. She returned with a doctor within 5 minutes. Maddie was a little bit dehydrated, we did some blood work and x-rays. She was put on IV fluids over night with some antibiotics by the next day she was much better. The doctor did recommend one more day on fluids and antibiotics then re-evaluate her again. We were able to take Maddie with us at the end of the second day. It had turned out that she had Lyme disease along with arthritis. By the end of our visit we had met most of the staff and found everyone to be nothing less than kind and compassionate.