My dog Petey has been sick for a few days. Finally came up with the money to take him in and at first the tech (?) acted like my dog was contagious cause he was shedding and said he had fleas, although when I looked I saw a dead one on the table. My dog has been lethargic, had diarrhea, and stopped eating in the last few days, after the vet listened to his heart, felt around, took his temp we were told that from what they could tell nothing was wrong with him. That he would need tests. After explaining we didn't have a lot of money, they came in with a quote of over 500 for a blood test and x-rays. After again saying we didn't have that kind of money he offered to give us 5 days of doxycycline for 112.00, cause our dog was walking stiff, I didn't have the money for that either. I looked it up, the pills are 16 cents a piece online for the 10mg, and for 45.00 I could get 250 100mg pills. I then asked for a prescription to get filled at a drugstore and was told no they had to fill it.