Adobe AH employs what appears to be an industry-wide practice; a trend that started about 8 to10 years ago and that really amounts to nothing more than a membership or registration fee for your pet; much like the yearly fee you pay to the DMV or Costco and almost as expensive.
YOU REFUSE TO PAY THIS MANDATED CHARGE - your pet will not see a vet.
Not only will they ding you for this yearly non-service you didn't ask for, you'll have to pay for it again (and again and again) on each and every visit to their place of business. You know what I'm talking about, that 3-minute check your pet receives; temperature, heart rate and then they open their mouths and exclaim ""My, Fluffy really needs to have her teeth cleaned.
If by some chance you've managed to get them to (""temporarily"") waive this fee, they'll call up at home like a bill collector to dun you for payment.
And they wonder why I LOST it big-time.
After all the thousands and thousands of dollar$ we spent on our animals during the last year with Adobe AH (and all the potential income they could have received in the future) they chose to dump us as customers. After I had already dumped them - the day before. Okay, Adobe, you really showed me.
But they have a really, really, really nice building. Which will come in handy since you'll have a really, really, really long wait before your pet sees someone.
Nope. Wouldn't recommend this group. Go to the next one on the list.
Cons: The 'Annual Exam' scam