I've been to Universal Studios a few times now. When it was the mid-to-late 90's, E.T, Backdraft, and Waterworld was open to the public. Also what was good was the unveiling of the Nickelodeon venue. It was also the time where Jurassic Park: The Ride was open and barely had problems. Now in 2005, what was once a decent park, is now a declining one. They took away E.T, made what looks like a low-budget Spiderman live-action show, and there have been many closings on Jurassic Park. The decline of visitors and profit loss caused them since years ago to do the "Buy a Day, Get a Year Free" offers. Still, until they bring the old stuff back and not edit anything, Universal might need to shut down the park in a few years, as Disneyland re-opened Space Mountain and has 50 years this year.