I'm not a traditional sports car buyer. I make no impulse decisions, and generally know more about the vehicle in questions that does the unfortunate soul "assisting" me with my acquisition. My car-buying process starts with the websites of my local dealers and moves into the store from there. The first thing I noticed about Universal Nissan was how quickly they responded to my inquiry with an exact price, and the standard hyperbole. Not an automatic response from some email program, but an actual live email with the price and details on the specific GT-R I had asked about...refreshing. But I am still me, so I corresponded with four of the several Nissan dealers I would consider "local" to me. I won't name names, but you know who they are if you have every shopped for a new Nissan in the Central Florida area. Anyways, their price was not the lowest, but it was the second-to-the-lowest and I decided to focus in on a different local dealer based solely on price. It slowly became clear through a volley of email that the other Orlando area Nissan store I had chosen was not in possession of the GT-R they had quoted and described in their emails (not just one). What they had not told me was that they planned to buy the GT-R from a third dealer and resell it to me. They refused to tell me who the other dealer was, but I suspect it was Universal Nissan because it was the exact same color and options and these are not easy to come by... The price was higher at Universal Nissan by over $300, but the car was over $77k, so in the end the amount was relatively small and the service I got was well worth the extra 1/2 of a payment.