Let's face it: nobody feels particularly lithe and agile after giving birth. It's amazing how that once rock-hard stomach can feel like a bowl of Jell-o after baby arrives. And after 40 weeks of carrying all those extra pounds, your back is bound to be aching every now and then, even without the physical stress of carrying an infant around. Of course that bundle of joy is worth every bit of chub and achiness, but we all want to regain our strength after baby's born. Enter Unity Woods Yoga Center.
Every Thursday afternoon, instructor Linda teaches a class just for us -- those new moms who want to build our ab and back muscles back up, who desperately need a little bit of relaxation, and who want to be able to do it with the babe in tow. This is not a baby playgroup; it's a real yoga class, with the understanding that it's okay for your baby to fuss a bit while you're posing in downward dog. Need to nurse your tyke? Feel free; it's the norm. Change a diaper? Go ahead (as long as you take the dirties with you when you go)! Babies are embraced in this class, but you will also find that you are able to finally pamper yourself again, with some poses that target those areas that need the most TLC.
Join for the entire session, or pay per class if you're wary about making it every week (though I do highly recommend making the effort).