I was lured into scheduling with this company due to their relatively cheap quote (which they later increased the price of). This is my story:
I scheduled my pickup for 7/28 with the stipulation that my car would be picked up +/- 72 hrs (3 days), David F (from the scheduling ""department"") gave me a verbal guarantee that it would be done. I had an absolute deadline of 7/31 for pickup (my lease on the property was expiring). I get a call mid-day on 7/28 (warning number 1, they didn't even find a carrier until the DAY OF pickup) saying they had found a carrier, but it would cost an additional $50 (original quote was $300, revised quote was $350, an increase of 17 percent). I said that was fine, as long as it was picked up by 7/31. They said it would definitely be picked up by then, and I had nothing to worry about. On 7/29 I received a phone call saying that the carrier had broken down, but it would still definitely be picked up by 7/31, and most likely it would be picked up by 7/30. Aimee (from the dispatch ""department"") said she would call me back by the day's end to confirm they had a carrier. About 5:30PM I started to worry because I had not received a call back (warning number 2), so I tried to call them but they had all left for the weekend. Mid-day 7/30 I still had not heard anything from the company, so I tried to call them again. After about 5 hours of trying every extension the company's phone line offered, I realized that NO ONE at this company WORKS ON THE WEEKEND (warning number 3). Seeing as I had 24 hours left to remove my car from the property or else face penalties for breaching my lease, I had to go with another company (The Car Transporters, totally worth the extra money). I FINALLY received a call back about noon on 8/1 (3 days after my last contact) saying that they had found another carrier that would pick it up by 8/2 (5 days after the stated pick-up date and 2 days after the deadline date).
I requested a refund, seeing as there were no services exchanged between myself or the company. David F gave me the line, ""You should've waited until Monday. Since you cancelled within 4 days of the service date you don't get a refund."" They have my money, why should they care? Right? It's all-to-easy to forget the verbal commitments you make to your customers when all you see is dollar signs.
Do NOT trust this company to pick up your car anywhere NEAR the date you request. It seems as if they do not even start looking for a carrier until the day before the actual pick-up date. This company claims that customer service is a ""top priority,"" but DO NOT believe it. They will act like they care until they have your deposit, then they sit back and slack off when they should be working on your order, ensuring their customers are treated with respect and dealt with honestly. They do NOT work on the weekends, they do NOT work after 5PM, and this means that your order is processed VERY SLOWLY, IF AT ALL. They DO NOT care about deadlines and they have NO COMPASSION for their customers.
Pay the extra money and go with a 5 star rated company (there are plenty on this site), it's well worth the extra customer service and peace of mind that your property is looked after correctly.