My car was sandwiched between two cars on the conveyor belt at Car Wash 103 on 3/31/12. The car in front of me was having issues which resulted in my car getting pulled into the rear bumper. The car behind me was pulled into my bumper. I honked for the attendent, they stopped the wash, checked on the car in front of me and started the conveyor again. Again I was pulled into the bumper of the car in front, again I had to honk to get the conveyor stopped. Finally her car went through and my car followed but did not receive a full wash, My car was still covered in soap and water. I thought they would have the car in front pull over but she was allowed to leave with checking to see if she had damged my car. I pulled over and with the sun and car being wet the manager that I had to get to come see about my car did not see any damage. Also the car behind me did not pull over nor was he beckoned by the manager to pull over. When I got home I noticed the grille of my car was dented in at the bottom. Also after wiping off the car I notices scratches on the back bumper. I returned to the car was on Sunday and a different manager was on duty who said that he could only give me a free wash as promised by the manager the day before but I would have to call the main office about the damage to my car. I called Mrs. Messina at the corporate office on Monday who told me she would speak to the attendent and they also would review the tape from the camera. She called back to say the manager did not see damage on my car and that I refused to complete an incident report. He said the driver in front was allowed to drive off because her car ok. How was it ok if she did not get out to look nor did he. If I did not want to do an incident report, I would not have asked for the corporate phone number. Mrs. Messina says this is the same if my car was hit in parking lot, well ...not...because the driver in front should have been pulled over and provided me with her insurance information after we looked at the cars.