As a direct and proximate result of a shoulder operation by Dr. William M. Isbell, I have endured Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, a neurological pain syndrome, for the last nine years. In addition to the neurological consequences, Dr. Isbell additionally sewed my shoulder capsule too tightly, rendering me with expressly limited range of motion despite approx nine months of physical therapy. In order to allow the arm to move freely, it was necessary that I have another shoulder reconstruction to loosen the capsule. A shoulder specialist at Duke was able to repair the shoulder capsule itself, but was not able to alleviate the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy which has plagued me EVERY SINGLE DAY of my life ever since Dr. Isbell operated on my shoulder. I cannot stress enough, the physical, financial, and mental toll this neurological illness has caused on me and on my family.