As soon as we entered Toomie's Thai Cuisine, we were greeted by a young scruby-looking kid, that had long dirty uncombed hair, and had an unattractive nose piercing visible. As he sat us down at the table, it felt like he was rushing us to order food. After we placed our order (I had the #21) the one and only time we saw our waiter was when he brought us the food. After that, nothing! Not even, a ""How is the food tasting?"" Also when other waiters/busers pass by, no one filled our water glasses up. Finally at the end, I was dying of thirst and asked a passing waiter to please fill our water glasses. He only filled one out of 3 glasses there. Again another waiter passed, and I asked ""Can you please fill everyones glasses?"" And still only filled 2 out of 3 glasses. About 9 hours later my stomach was hurting, and I ending up vomiting 5 times and having diarrhea all night long. I'm not from Bend, so if you don't want food poisoning, then go somewhere else!!!
Cons: Food poisoning