This bar USED to be decent. This place has turned into a manufacturing place for any drug you need, the worst part is the bar tenders admit to it, even will give you numbers of dealers. The worst thing is they sit back and watch domestic abuse like its a movie. Its a run down hole in the wall now, drugs needle, sex and sexual diease. I think its really sad that they have let this place get to this point. They will listen to your ever issue as a regular bartender does, I have only been in there 2 time this year due to its new disgrace, a lady with long hair told me personal facts about everyone sitting around me, I hardly spoke, who knows what she would say about me. My friends wife even called up there to report a bartender stole money to pay bills she was fired but when she called to tell her hubby she went into labor they forgot to give the message baby girl was 5 hours old when her father got the message. Just shows this place is nothing anymore. Tom clean it up.