This car shop is a ZERO. To just evaluate a care, they charge a fee. And it isn't just one comprehensive evaluation, but they like to say that every problem that you request to have checked out requires a separate evaluation. So the charges begin to drop like rain and suddenly the customer finds themselves in a flood. They say they fix something on your vehicle and then when it really isn't fixed, they want to charge AGAIN to look at the car. When a customer calls to request for a re-evaluation, they rudely place them on hold so that they might feel less important or get to frustrated to stay on line long enough to have something performed in an appropriate time. And they definitely do not work with the customer's timing or schedule. If a customer can't pick up a car one night after repairs are completed, then the courtesy car offered suddenly becomes a rental car that they can charge for regardless of the customer's circumstances. Atrocious. To make matters worst, a second item on the car that I had this shop service failed within three days of service, and the service manager refused to reimburse me the money that I was charged for the failed service. He replied to me that he didn't know where I was coming from, but that refunds do not occur. These people are scheisters, and they don't care about good customer service. Fortunately, there are other certified GMC body shops around to take my car to be serviced. I will never return to this shop, for a new/used car purchase, service, or otherwise.