Today is Wednesday May 21st - Project should have completed by mid to late April. I took bids for and early April garage construction and went with Tittle because they have been in business for many years and I thought for them to be around for so long they must be doing something right. I had all the materials delivered in early April. I have no garage or other building to put the materials in so they sat outside and are still sitting outside awaiting completion. Granted we have had a wet spring and I can attribute some delay to that in combination with poor planning. They were really anxious to get my signed agreement, but after that it has been like pulling teeth to get anything done. I knew I was in trouble when they scheduled the footing holes to be dug without scheduling the inspection and cement the same day. This resulted in the inspector (after a heavy rain) seeing the holes caved in and ordering an erosion test (which could have been avoided had they scheduled everything at once. The city of Brownstown inspector was stood-up due their lack of planning, the engineering company was stood-up due to their lack of planning, and I have been dragged along on this project due to their lack of planning.
I finally had the floor poured by one of their subcontractors this past weekend after taking it upon myself to work with the city to get the floor base inspected and approved. Tittle wasn't on top of it. The cement contractor worked Saturday and Sunday to get the floor done so Tittle could start working Monday on the framing. No word or work on Monday, No word or work on Tuesday. I called them on Tuesday afternoon and was told it was going to be another week before they could continue. Looking at the weather I noticed when they want to start my work it is threatening rain which will postpone it further. This next week is to be sunny and warm with no chance of work. I am livid.
Tittle can respond all they want to explain away why it has taken so long and why it is not their fault.