i walked into store today with my baby, needless to say she was all over the store as i was looking so between me looking and following my baby everywhere i was being helped by a man he seemed to be nice until his cell phone rang and said he had to leave as he was helping me and pawning me off to a lady to help me get some pricing, as she stood their and announced across the store that is a very expensive tile, making it seem like to expensive for me to purchase, you should never judge a book by its cover bc i just ordered floor tile off an internet site that costs me 5680.00. i am direct buy membe, he asked me if i liked it i told him but i told him i do business with whoever helps, price, and customer service, i dont buy everything through direct buy, so as he left the lady was already helping someone and walked by me and told me she would help me shortly, needless to say my daughter was very on the go and i followed her chasing her around the store, shorty after another man walked in went up to the counter and the woman began to help him meanwhile another employee just stood behind the desk lighting candles, right then and there i walked out and said forget the sale here. the reason i went to their store was to walk out if there buying tile since mine was discontinued through db, not my loss theirs, i just got done placing an internet order to for tile that was in this store and they just missed a sale of a few thousand dollars. so hopefully the managers/owners whoever gets to see this and they learn a lesson never judge, or assume you know what the customer is going to do!!!! i specifically came there to buy and get the last thing i needed for my project so i wouldnt have to continue looking and driving myself crazy.