OK Place, but as someone who deals at toy shows & on ebay his selection is terribly overpriced and it looks like they collect more toys than they sell. One item was a 1988 Star Trek kit that is easy to come by in it's original relaease on ebay for $10.00 today and has since been reissued and currently in stores, was overpriced to $50.00. My wife, daughter & I were the only ones in the store and the owner was more interested in the way his employee was displaying the toys (I guess he was too busy to say hello).Vintage carded Star Wars figures were being hung from the ceiling by clips, damaging the cards instead of placing them in pro-tech cases, and his R2-D2 Cooler was full of used SW figures that were no cheaper than 10.00 and were filthy (I had to use a wipe for my hands once i got back to the car). Stay away from this schiester as he takes advantage of his customers nostalgia and ignorance of the collectible market.