The reserve is beautiful, there is no doubt about it, great location, nice looking facility, parking garages, spacious apartments, etc. But beauty is only skin deep.
We have had several issues with the reserve. The first bad experience we had was the loud neighbors above us. I commented on it to one of the leasing agents (not management), and she said she'd get on it right away. A week later I conversed with her about it again and she said she hadn't gotten around to it yet. Three or four days later I called her and she told me ""yeah that lady really scares me."" We ended up, after a month, talking to the apartment manager and our option was ""You can move on site, but you will have to pay the carpet cleaning fee."" So I had my friend come over, since she said they wouldn't help, and we moved, no big deal. The new apartment is way better because it's on the top floor.
About a month after we moved, our secure parking garage got broken into (imagine that). A car got stolen and some onsite storage units got broken into. To my knowledge (3 months later) they still haven't found the car. As soon as I learned about this (december 23), I went down to check our storage unit but the locks had already been changed, which I was happy about, but I couldn't get keys until the 26th since the office was closed. I sent an email to the manager and she assured me that ours hadn't been broken into and if it had we would already know. She lied. When we finally got our keys, on the 27th, because they couldn't go next door to Lowe's on the 26th and make copies (??), I went down to the unit and our door was ajar, and my guitars were missing ($1000 or so). I told her that she should check her records before assuring people that they haven't had a break in. Two days later she has the guile to call me and say ""remember how I called you a few days ago and told you that your storage unit had been broken into?"" OMG! When I corrected her she was quick to apologize, but still.....
Recently, the unsecure storage unit in our unsecure garage flooded. I was informed about it, and moved my things to another unit (without any of their help). I've recently been informed that I will see no reimbursement for any of our things that were damaged. She even admitted to me that it was faulty construction.
So those are the major problems that we've had here, and I'm sure other people have had different experiences. I think there are, however, a few things we can agree on: the elevators are slow, the floors are paper thin, the management is incompetent, and the leasing agents make you feel like you're inconveniencing them when you go to pay your rent. This place is a rip off, I would not recommend it to anyone, even people I don't like. Tell your friends, tell your friends' friends. If someone from the management team is reading this, you know who I am, and I am not happy.