Before getting my eyebrows done, I did my research and found that Evie is supposed to be the best in Atlanta and not one person I found had anything but positive things to say about their experience. So I booked my appt. with confidence. When the day arrived, I had a quick consult and had the stencils applied. I've had tattoos before so I kind of knew what to expect and since Evie is the best, I didn't have too many questions. We agreed on a shape and style for my brows and I was quoted $500 for what I wanted, which was to fill in the brows I already had and fill out the tails of my eyebrows which were pretty much missing since high school.
During the tattoo process, I did feel quite a bit of pain but since I've been tattooed before, I pretty much expected this. And hey, I'll take 15 minutes of pain for perfect brows! She sat off to the side of the chair I was reclined in while she worked so she had to reach over my face to work on the brow farther away from her and I was a little worried she couldn't see as well on that side but she couldn't really move around the chair as there were lights and equipment in the way. As soon as she was done, she handed me a mirror to check it out and I was shocked. The eyebrow further away from where she was, the shape of the tail was way off!! It went straight out toward my hairline instead of curving down following the curve of my brow bone. The other one was pretty good in shape, they were just super dark from being so freshly done and little swollen.
I immediately asked her what the deal was with my wonky brow and she said not to worry, it was just swollen and looked out of place but would go down in a few days and be in the right spot. I cautiously believed her but was secretly freaked out inside as this was on my face forever and I could do nothing but go home anyway. What's done is done.
I documented the healing process for the next few days and their office was super nice in responding to my panicked emails, saying that it would turn out okay and whatever I didn't like, they could fix. That brow was still the same awful shape and I was too embarrassed to leave the house for the whole week. I don't know about everyone else saying they went shopping or back to work right after their appt. but my brows looked like I'd drawn them on with a Sharpie for the first 10 days of healing. Once they scabbed up and peeled, the color was much less intense and more natural.
Overall, I'm happy to have eyebrows all the time now. Its so nice not to have to think about them. However, 4 months later, I still have to fill them in every morning and put concealer over the end of my brow and re-draw the line in the proper place everyday. So I spend just as much time on them now as I did before and I'm $500 poorer. So, not feeling like I got her best work and I have no idea why. I should have looked closer at the stencils before she got to work and asked for a hand mirror to check the work as she went along to avoid this mishap. I trusted her vision and expertise too much and didn't think she'd draw my brows on and not make them match in shape, that's the whole point of having them done professionally. I don't go to get a tattoo and draw the stencil myself and just ask the artist to go over my work with a needle, I ask them to use their artistic skills to make my vision look professionally done. I'm definitely disappointed so please make sure you don't have the same problem as me. They do offer a revision appt to fix anything you don't like for $40 but I'm afraid to go back and let her tattoo my face again, what if she just makes it worse? Maybe, maybe not but I'm not confident enough to give it another chance. Good luck!