Took care of me same day , high quality design,\r reasonable price, friendly service, MOST IMPORTANT My wife was thrilled and they LASTED a long time.\r I found value here and ...
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LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED FOR OVER 30 YEARSSAME-DAY, CITY-WIDE DELIVERYHere at The Flower Man Florist, we understand that when you send flowers you express your Love, Caring, Best Wishes, Gratefulness, Joy, and Sympathies.Our goal is to represent you in expressing your deepest emotions and thoughts, with the highest quality floral products from all over the world.Attention to detail and an emphasis that each order be treated as if it were for our own family member have led to excellence in expressing your thoughts and feelings.Our award winning professional design staff is committed to presenting designs that exudes quality and reflect the senders' good taste.Our personal touch creates Real Value which is what sets us apart from the chop and drop chain retailers.**100% Replacement Guarantee***Wedding Specialists*Roses*Plants & Dish Gardens*Gourmet Baskets*Gift Baskets*Balloons*Flowers for All Occasions*Basket Arrangements*Funeral Arrangements*Vase Arrangements*Plush & Stuffed Animals