I don't write reviews often, only 2 in the last year but I'm tired of unprofessional services. This was another groupon deal i bought, a spa body wrap to lose weight. The website looks impressive, clean and professional. Actual place; couldn't be farther from it. There is no parking, its a converted house into a ""spa"", with cats living under the raised house sitting on concrete bricks and an air conditioner rigged to drip outside by a hole they cut in the side of the house/business. You get undressed into a bra and underwear, wrapped up in ace bandages with a ""special solution"" to help lose weight. You walk in and people are wrapped up like mummy's working out for everyone to see. There is absolutely no privacy. You get undressed in ""room's"" divided by cheap, barely hung curtains that blow open with the tiniest movement I changed in the first ""room"" which is right next to the front door. The special solution looks like nothing more than cloudy water. The owner had her boyfriend hanging out in the room watching tv where me and other woman are working out, looking ridiculous which is already uncomfortable. How unprofessional to have a male just hanging out in a room with women who are getting undressed and measured in barely anything. They claim the more liquid you lose into your ""ziploc bag and rubber band shoes"" which they made, the more you lose. Only reason you lose liquid is because the bandages leak down into the shoes and they re-wet yTELLS you 3 times during the 1 hour workout. There are 3 barely working exercise equipment machines, one is a broken down mini trampoline.
After your finished, they tell you the results. They claim you can lose 10 to 30 inches in one session- They mark 20 different areas with dot from a ink pen. With 20 places being measured and the tape measure being wrapped tighter than the 1st time, the results are skewed and the ink pen dots rub off so they just estimate where they previously measured before the session- wow real accurate huh? Then, when the woman reports your results she says ""you lost 1/2 inch to 1 inch on your thigh"". Which is it? 1 inch is double 1/2 an inch - so thats a big difference. Most embarrasing of all is that YOUR RESULTS ARE TOLD TO YOU IN FRONT OF EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE PLACE. SHE DELIEVERS YOUR RESULTS NO MATTER WHO IS AROUND , MEN OR WOMEN ON THE COUCH WHICH FACES PEOPLE WORKING OUT. (You fill out intial paperwork on the couch- just to give you an idea of how this place is not separated). To cap off my wonderful experience, the guy asked me if I wanted to leave a $20-30 tip on a $60 service. I couldn't help but laugh. This place needs to consider a woman's privacy, act like professionals, and make the place less disgusting and run down. I guess you get what you pay for- no wonder why it was a groupon deal: i doubt they keep many clients. I let Groupon know and hopefully they will no longer allow the business to advertise deals there.