I joined the Bar Method in West LA 14 months ago. My goal was just to do something useful while i was waiting for the traffic on the 405 to get better, and why not getting some muscles where i needed them! My first class was awful. I thought i was going to be sick. I had never thought this would be a difficult or straining work out! It made me realize that i had only focused until now on a very limited number of muscles in my body, and that i had a lot of work to do if i wanted to look as toned and sexy and the other women in my class. I love challenges so i decided to stick to it and see if my body would change. During the 1st 3 months i did not see much, in fact i sometimes felt i was getting better. But then i started noticing that i was definitely much more toned than before, that i had 6 pack abs (seriously!) and that my butt that had been historically flat all my life was getting stronger too. My arms were the part of my body that changed the quickest (i had never worked them out before, so no surprise): now even guys look at me and say "wow, for a tiny person, you're quite tone". On a personal note, i have been suffering from neuralgia in my legs for 7 years.... As i get stronger at the Bar method, i noticed that i more able to managed the pain, probably because i get stronger muscles to support me. For me it is worth all the pain and swearing i go through during those torturing classes! I'm going tonight in fact and i can't wait!
Pros: Awesome atmosphere, instructors are super nice, great studio
Cons: a little bit pricey