Good morning... I wanted to take a brief moment just to thank you and your
staff for a memorable experience I shall never forget... Quite honestly,
I'm happy that I decided to tandem-jump rather than AFF... Perhaps it's my
age -- I turned 50 today -- UGH! Any who, there is no comparison between an
11,500ft free-fall and my ancient/archaic military static-line jumps. I was
really stressing -- not so much with the altitude; but rather, the
mind-mechanic of it all........ What I mean by this is -- remaining calm &
confident that I could avoid catastrophe if the parachute did tangle -- or,
over-shoot the LZ, etc., etc............. Such a worry-wart!! After my
jump -- well actually, even while free-falling, I was sort of ashamed that I
whined at all.......... The entire experience was absolutely text-book --
just as we were trained... I do hope to return very soon for my AFF...
And, I promise not to whine this time! If you will recall, I started out with a
Static-Line -- then, my spouse wanted video -- so, I progressed to AFF --
and ultimately, jumped Tandem............. God!
Jerry H