Today they managed to kill my battery while they left the doors open and the radio on. Had I not looked out back and noticed the hood up and a truck pulling up as if to jump start my car, I don't believe they would have ever told me. As I met up with the manager outside I was reasonably angry as I had already waited an additional 30 minutes for them to clean out the pine needles from the wells that I told them about when I first got there. In addition to not being able to communicate with the non-English speaking employees they could not tell me why they were taking my car to the back. The car was running well until it got to the back. The manager told me to ""calm down"" and was very defensive, not offering an apology and blaming the situation on the heat and not the fact that they had left the radio on with the doors open. I was highly offended by his lack of concern or responsibility and will never do business with them again. Nothing wrong with my battery, I had it checked out.