I brought in a 2008 VRSCAW (VROD) with 2400 miles on it. The engine was dying when I shifted to neutral and the mileage was about half of what it should have been. As of this coming Thursday July 17th, the bike will have been their shop for THREE WEEKS. They diagnosed O2 sensors and fuel injectors, ordered & installed the parts, and then decided the ECM was bad. I could have told them that from day one. Here is the chronology:\r
1.) Arrived June 26th, 8:00 AM. Waited for 20 minutes for the service writer to finish with another customer while 6 mechanics stood around smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee, and ogling my 22 year old daughter who was there to give me a ride home.\r
2.) Finally one of the mechanics offered to ""get my paperwork started"".\r
3.) In 3 weeks, they have called me twice. Every other correspondence I have had with them was after I waited all day and called them around 6:00 PM. Each time they called it was after I complained to the dealer management.\r
4.) They promised my bike would be ready last Thursday 7-10. They never called. When I called them the service dude who answered the phone knew nothing about my bike. He came back on the line and said it was ready to pick up. About 20 minutes later when my wife and I were halfway there, he called back and said it was a mistake and my bike was NOT ready yet. \r
5.) I am a good judge of people. This dealership has personnel problems and there is obviously friction between management and the joe sixpacks. STAY AWAY. Hopefully my bike will still run when I get it back someday.
Pros: Easy location from Keller, TX