These guys really came through for us. Richie first gave me advice over the phone. Then he came to our home to see if his update would fix our Sony Bravia, and wasn't going to charge us if it did.
We weren't that lucky, but Richie went to bat for us to get our repair for less. He told us it would be in the range of $250. A replacement board arrived at his shop which didn't work, so he then worked with Sony to repair the current board, and in the end it came to $175. He could have walked off with the difference, but instead he passed o the savings to us. And he always returned phone calls with current info during the process.
All this took longer than expected (maybe 3 weeks) and though we were fine without a TV for that long, we had subletters coming who wouldn't be. Explained this to Richie and he brought over a loaner TV better than ours. Subletters were happy, we were happy, everybody was happy. (Happy as possible when a 4 year old TV needs a significant repair...)
I got this TV back an hour ago - will update this if anything goes wrong, but the work came with a 90 day warrantee.