After speaking w/ others about the situation I will soon mention, we've all concluded that what I experienced two weeks ago is not typical Brit behavior..though Brits are not usually overly-nice, they are at least respectably diplomatic and have tact - the proprieters of T&S are clearly lower class. To make a long story short, we walked in with three people. We are regulars, & they have always been nice. We've talked w/ the owner about the neighborhood, chatted, etc. We order, eat, and leave. We don't linger & always follow the ""rules"". Yet for some reason this particular morning, the waitress, who in turn told the owner - had the absurd idea that we were trying to finagle our seating. When trying to explain what we were doing (which was following the rules), she would't even listen & made a rambling, loud & despicable scene that would redden the face of any hard-nosed /thickskinned new yorker. She RUINED the rest of my day with her yelling-as well as everyone else's who was in the tiny restaurant. It was disgraceful. I happened to be with one of the most influential people in New York City & he was completely in shock and disgust. I love the food here, but I will never ever return. She is callous & simply MEAN. If you want to risk catching her on a bad day, please go and enjoy the delicious food. Otherwise, save your tears for something else worth crying over. As for these blokes, while I think the food brilliant - it certainly makes no difference how good it is if you're too upset to digest it. Cheers!
Pros: authentic british fare, great tea
Cons: customer abuse, tiny room, poor seating arrangement,