I am just preparing to change my cell phone service to Cingular from T-Mobile....I've had T-Mobile for 2 years and it has worked VERY well for me in my travels and is pretty rock steady here in the Seattle area... Their customer service has been as good as can be expected...Why then am I even thinking of switching?... I am in the strangest position...I am in a "perfect coverage area"..ASIDE from the one city block I reside on....yes...down the block...Great coverage...Up the block...fabulous coverage...in my house or yard....NO COVERAGE...not one bar...a dead spot in coverage...they have had me change phones..no difference...they have checked and re-checked...it is simply a dead spot with no option to enhance!! I just can't abide with this any longer...no cell phone at home presents many problems in my life...so unless I want to climb the 120 ft Douglas Fir tree in my front yard every time I want to answer the phone...( this gets old fast!!)..I'm stuck with trying to find better service...and now I'm finding out that so many people are unhappy with Cingular...Sprint was my other choice...they have given me good coverage in the past in Seattle but not so good in other parts of the country...and I left them because of horrid customer service...So if anyone is considering T-Mobile...check those coverage areas carefully....and as for me.....2 tin cans and a string work just as well as what I have at my house right now....