LOVE this consignment shop! I shop there frequently, and get some wonderful bargains. I am appalled at some of the reviews, especially the woman who got upset when her children were "yelled" at for playing with the toys. The toys are for sale, and the signs all over the store noting, "Please don't let your children play with the toys" must not have applied to HER children. In the economy today, if all people look for things that are wrong with consignment shops, unfortunately, there won't be any left. I love looking for a good bargain, and if I don't find one, I move on. I love the customer appreciation nights and the friendly atmosphere of Sweet Repeats. As for the reviews noting the rude, mean women who work there? Those same mean women donate unsold clothes (with your permission) to a local abused woman's shelter and have helped numerous women who can't afford baby clothes or equipment in the past. Consignments shops aren't out for your money- they are there to help out in