Gary Monroe was employed at Superior, was arrested after molesting his own son, convicted, sent to prison. After he was released he was hired back at superior, with the owners blessing, knowing full well he was a convicted pedofile. He was placed in charge of the police and fire dispatch center. When I brought this up I was threatened with my job, and told not to talk about it. Gary monroe was there for about a year when he relations with another young boy, landing him in prison again. This time in Wisconsin. I wonder If Dave Hill will hire him again? How many convicts work for Superior? I know the man that interviewed me was a convict, his name was John Nichols. I can not in good faith recommend this service to anyone with children. Your child may have to ride in an ambulance with a pedofile. Don't forget about Metro paramedics, I know for a fact the have hired convicts to work there.