I?ve been taking my dogs to SCAH for over seven years and used to love them, but they've gone downhill. Recently an incident I observed when I had my dogs in for vaccinations caused me to switch vets.\r
A man with an 18 year old cat was in the waiting area. The cat was obviously quite ill, and it was plain to see that this guy adored his cat. In front of everyone in the waiting area, one of the women at the front desk announced to this guy, Greg, that although the cat had been treated there before and was now experiencing kidney failure and was in need of treatment, they were denying treatment because he had a $1,200.00 balance on his account from the last time the cat was ill. Greg said that he knew there was a balance, but that he?d been paying $50/month for the past seven months, which was all he could afford. The lady at the desk agreed that indeed he had been paying regularly but that just wasn?t good enough. Greg said that he could put down another $100 right then, but that was all he could afford. Still not good enough for SCAH. At that point, an older woman who was there with a dog stood up, went to the counter and asked how much he?d have to put down in order for them to treat Greg?s cat. They said $500. So, this very kind lady wrote a check for $400, adding it to Greg?s $100. Greg was in tears he was so grateful and SCAM took the older woman?s money.\r
I?m sorry, but there is so much wrong with that scene. First, there was absolutely no reason for this to be done out in the open in front of a packed waiting area. Then, I know $1,200 is a large balance, but it was clear that Greg wasn?t delinquent on his account. I find it heartless that SCAH would deny treatment to a sick animal under these conditions. Finally, while that other lady was certainly generous, it was shameful of SCAH to take her money on behalf of another patient. \r
Sadly, this incident illustrates what I've grown to dislike about SCAH: they don't care.\r